This utility report runs specified ALV report behind the scene and extract its output, converts that to csv and send it to email recipients. Very useful if you want to send output of report to user(s) periodically.
Program takes report name and variant as input. It runs specified report with specified variant and export list to memory using statement.
Then using function module LIST_FROM_MEMORY program imports list from memory, convert it into ascii format using function module LIST_TO_ASCI. After some text processing it converts output in csv format and compose email with attachment using class CL_BCS.
REPORT zpw_run_email. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Types and Data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* CONSTANTS: gc_tab TYPE c VALUE cl_bcs_convert=>gc_tab, gc_crlf TYPE c VALUE cl_bcs_convert=>gc_crlf. TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_fin , line TYPE string , END OF ty_fin . DATA : g_email TYPE char200 . DATA : ascilines(1024) TYPE c OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA : list TYPE TABLE OF abaplist WITH HEADER LINE. DATA : i_final TYPE TABLE OF ty_fin . *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Selection Screen *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME . PARAMETERS : p_report TYPE trdir-name OBLIGATORY, p_vari TYPE rsvar-variant OBLIGATORY. SELECTION-SCREEN SKIP 1 . PARAMETER : p_trim TYPE char01 AS CHECKBOX , p_neg TYPE char01 AS CHECKBOX . SELECTION-SCREEN SKIP 1 . SELECT-OPTIONS : s_to FOR g_email NO INTERVALS OBLIGATORY, s_cc FOR g_email NO INTERVALS . SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b1 . *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Start of Selection *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* START-OF-SELECTION . PERFORM execute_report . PERFORM process_output . PERFORM send_email . *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form execute_report *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM execute_report . * Call report and export output in memory SUBMIT (p_report) USING SELECTION-SET p_vari LINE-SIZE sy-linsz EXPORTING LIST TO MEMORY AND RETURN. ENDFORM. "execute_report *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form process_output *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM process_output . TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_split , token TYPE char50 , END OF ty_split . DATA : li_split TYPE TABLE OF ty_split , lv_str TYPE string , ls_final TYPE ty_fin , lv_token TYPE char50 . FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_slip> TYPE ty_split . * Get report output from memory CALL FUNCTION 'LIST_FROM_MEMORY' TABLES listobject = list EXCEPTIONS not_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. * Convert it to ascii CALL FUNCTION 'LIST_TO_ASCI' TABLES listobject = list listasci = ascilines EXCEPTIONS empty_list = 1 list_index_invalid = 2 OTHERS = 3. * Convert ascii to csv file LOOP AT ascilines . * Skip separater lines CHECK ascilines+0(10) <> '----------' . CLEAR li_split . SPLIT ascilines AT '|' INTO TABLE li_split . CLEAR lv_str . LOOP AT li_split ASSIGNING <fs_slip> . CLEAR lv_token . lv_token = <fs_slip>-token . * Post processing IF p_trim = abap_true . CONDENSE lv_token . ENDIF . IF p_neg = abap_true . CONDENSE lv_token . TRY. FIND REGEX '(\d+(\,\d+)?)+(\.\d+)?-' IN lv_token . IF sy-subrc = 0 . REPLACE '-' IN lv_token WITH space . CONCATENATE '-' lv_token INTO lv_token . ENDIF. CATCH cx_root . MESSAGE 'Error in regular expression' TYPE 'A'. ENDTRY . ENDIF. CASE sy-tabix. WHEN 1 . WHEN 2. lv_str = lv_token. WHEN OTHERS. CONCATENATE lv_str lv_token INTO lv_str SEPARATED BY gc_tab. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP . CLEAR ls_final . ls_final-line = lv_str . APPEND ls_final TO i_final . ENDLOOP. ENDFORM. "process_output *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form send_email *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM send_email . DATA lv_string TYPE string. DATA : ls_final TYPE ty_fin . DATA main_text TYPE bcsy_text. DATA binary_content TYPE solix_tab. DATA size TYPE so_obj_len. DATA : email TYPE adr6-smtp_addr. DATA send_request TYPE REF TO cl_bcs. DATA document TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs. DATA recipient TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs. DATA bcs_exception TYPE REF TO cx_bcs. DATA sent_to_all TYPE os_boolean. DATA : lv_subject TYPE so_obj_des . LOOP AT i_final INTO ls_final . CASE sy-tabix. WHEN 1. CONCATENATE ls_final-line gc_crlf INTO lv_string . WHEN OTHERS. CONCATENATE lv_string ls_final-line gc_crlf INTO lv_string . ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. * -------------------------------------------------------------- * convert the text string into UTF-16LE binary data including * byte-order-mark. Mircosoft Excel prefers these settings * all this is done by new class cl_bcs_convert (see note 1151257) TRY. cl_bcs_convert=>string_to_solix( EXPORTING iv_string = lv_string iv_codepage = '4103' "suitable for MS Excel, leave empty iv_add_bom = 'X' "for other doc types IMPORTING et_solix = binary_content ev_size = size ). CATCH cx_bcs. MESSAGE e445(so). ENDTRY. TRY. * -------- create persistent send request ------------------------ send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ). * -------- create and set document with attachment --------------- * create document object from internal table with text CONCATENATE p_report p_vari sy-datum sy-uzeit INTO lv_subject SEPARATED BY space. PERFORM create_body_of_email CHANGING main_text . * APPEND 'Email from SAP background Job' TO main_text. "#EC NOTEXT document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document( i_type = 'HTM' i_text = main_text i_subject = lv_subject ). "#EC NOTEXT DATA : lv_name TYPE sood-objdes . lv_name = p_report . * add the spread sheet as attachment to document object document->add_attachment( i_attachment_type = 'csv' "#EC NOTEXT i_attachment_subject = lv_name "#EC NOTEXT i_attachment_size = size i_att_content_hex = binary_content ). * add document object to send request send_request->set_document( document ). * DATA : l_receipient_soos TYPE soos1. * --------- add recipient (e-mail address) ----------------------- LOOP AT s_to . * create recipient object email = s_to-low . recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( email ). * add recipient object to send request send_request->add_recipient( recipient ). ENDLOOP . CALL METHOD send_request->set_status_attributes EXPORTING i_requested_status = 'E'. LOOP AT s_cc . * create recipient object email = s_cc-low . recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( email ). * add recipient object to send request send_request->add_recipient( EXPORTING i_recipient = recipient i_copy = abap_true ). ENDLOOP . * ---------- send document --------------------------------------- sent_to_all = send_request->send( i_with_error_screen = 'X' ). COMMIT WORK. IF sent_to_all IS INITIAL. MESSAGE i500(sbcoms) WITH s_to-low. ELSE. MESSAGE s022(so). ENDIF. * ------------ exception handling ---------------------------------- * replace this rudimentary exception handling with your own one !!! CATCH cx_bcs INTO bcs_exception. MESSAGE i865(so) WITH bcs_exception->error_type. ENDTRY. ENDFORM . "send_email *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CREATE_BODY_OF_EMAIL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * <--P_MAIN_TEXT text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM create_body_of_email CHANGING body_html TYPE bcsy_text. DATA : ls_line TYPE so_text255 . APPEND '<html>' TO body_html . APPEND '<title>Email</title>' TO body_html . APPEND '<body>' TO body_html . APPEND '<p>Data attached</p>' TO body_html . APPEND '</body>' TO body_html . APPEND '</html>' TO body_html . ENDFORM. " CREATE_BODY_OF_EMAIL
I tried above program with MB52.
There’s no “e” in attachment 🙂
And the one after the “m” does not count.
Very very helpful! Thanks!
Not All data from Memory is getting retrieve .. for more than 255 character
Just came across your post 4 years after:) This is a great program, very versatile, thank you very much for posting.
So nice program it will help me a lot
how to excel font?
This is useful. Has anyone made it work with old-school SAP Queries? SQ01
Saw this and this is great but I do get “Cannot process message; maximum size exceeded”. How to address this since if I use the same csv file that i downloaded to my pc and attach to my outlook, i dont get the maximum size issue.
After more than 8 years found this piece of art that solved a requirement in a snap – it was copy and paste!
Many, many thanks for that.
Now, just have to personalize it for our needs but the structure and simplicity are awsome!
Regards, From Portugal.
Manuel Antunes