Check out on how you can design Adobe forms which are optimised for both A4 and Letter page sizes. This way you can reduce the overall implementation time.
This blog will apply if (a) you are not using the latest S4 SAP OM (2) content of both A4 and Letter sized form is the same (you have one common interface).
When you implement forms for North America and the rest of the world you would have to cater for the fact that these countries (the US and Canada) use Letter sized paper instead of A4. There is not much difference in these paper sizes but it enough to mess with your margins and in worst case might truncate contents if printed on paper other than what it’s originally designed. That means if an A4 form is printed on Letter sized paper or vice versa than some contents could be truncated.
Below are the size for A4 and Letter.
Page Size | Width | Length |
A4 | 210.0 mm | 297.0 mm |
Letter | 215.9 mm | 279.4 mm |
A4 paper is longer than Letter and Letter is wider than A4.

Given the size of both paper and 15 mm margin on all sides, the content area of width 180 mm and height 249.4 mm will fit comfortably on both A4 and Letter sized paper.
If you design your form by selecting A4 paper size and put form content withing this rectangular area then the form can be printed on Letter sized paper with any truncation. You could potentially get away with just one form.

However, if North American user do insist on having form natively designed for Letter sized paper you can simply copy you A4 form, change the paper size to Letter and adjust margin slightly to keep contents balanced in middle (as Letter size paper is wider than A4 after copy margin on left will be less than on right).
Step 1: Copy

Step 2: Change Paper Size

Step 3: Adjust margins and make sure width remain same as A4.

Here is the output of both A4 and Letter sized form.

You might be tempted to adjust the content area more suitable to the paper size. For example, after I adjusted the margin in step 3, I could have made content area wider to use the extra width available in Letter sized paper, but this would disturb the alignment of contents within the content area.
You could well wish to adjust width (or height) but keep in mind this will increase your efforts and once you have copied and adjusted, any change going forward needs to be done in both forms. However, if you stick with same size content area in both paper size you can do change in A4 copy over to Letter and adjust margin.