Just as we were getting used to Fiori Launchpad Designer and getting comfortable with it whilst Fiori Launchpad Designer also become stable and predictable over the last couple of releases SAP has dropped another feature called Space and Pages. Does this throw the Fiori Launchpad designer out of the window, making your well-earned experience useless yet again?
Before we get to Spaces and Pages just a quick recap on how Fiori Launchpad for a role/user is designed. Typically, we create a set of Tiles in the Tile Catalog. One or more Tile Catalogs is/are assigned to a Role, which then gets assigned to the user.
Tile Catalog is used for Authorisation
Tile Catalog is how a user gets authorisation to use a tile. For example, role SAP_BR_AP_ACCOUNTANT has a list of Tile catalogs assigned to it. When a user with role SAP_BR_AP_ACCOUNTANT goes to App Finder they see all the Tile Catalogs assigned to them. From here they can choose a tile and move it to their home page to use it.
This concept stays as-is. Spaces and Pages does not change this. A user sees no change in the number of tiles and catalog they see in App Finder whether they are using the classical view of Fiori Launchpad or with setting ‘Use Spaces’

Tile Group is used for Launchpad Layout
We create a Tile Group, assigned tile(s) from Tile Catalog to it. When this Tile Group is assigned to users, of course via a role, they see those tiles (in the Tile Group) on their home page without having to go in the App Finder. For example, with role SAP_BR_AP_ACCOUNTANT a user will see Tile Group Payments, Supplier Accounts, Journal Entries etc. each of which corresponds to Tile Group assigned in the role.

And this is the bit that has changed with Spaces and Pages. SAP has introduced the concept of Spaces and Pages that offers more flexibility to influence the launchpad layout.
Staying with role SAP_BR_AP_ACCOUNTANT, when the user enables Spaces they no longer see launchpad layout based on Tile groups but they see launchpad based on Space assigned in the role.

User can enable Spaces from Settings.

Spaces and Pages as replacement of Tile Group.
Space and Pages concept replaces Tile Group based launchpad layout design. Although both can coexist in a role and take effect based on user setting/preference.
As you can see from below, Space based layout design offers more design elements.

To maintain Spaces and Pages SAP has introduced Manage Launchpad Spaces and Manage Launchpad Pages app.
