Employees pictures are being displayed in various application in SAP, including Fiori apps. When there isn’t any picture loaded in SAP for an employee there are two different watermarks that appear in the picture frame. These watermarks are nothing but male.jpg and female.jpg images loaded in MIME repository. Watermark to be used is decided based on flag P0002-GESCH. If P0002-GESCH = female then use female.jpg else male.jpg.
Of course, this logic may not fit on all cases and change would be required. Below information is useful to make such changes.
Two places where I have found (and had to make changes) these images are being supplied to front-end.
Fiori applications uses method CL_HCM_PHOTO_API=>GET_EMPLOYEE_PHOTO to get employees picture. Within this method logic branch out to method CL_HCM_PHOTO_API=>GET_DUMMY_PHOTO to get default male/female picture in case picture of employee is not in database.
Method CL_HCM_PHOTO_API=>GET_DUMMY_PHOTO is where call is made to get Infotype 0002 of employee check their gender and URL of image is passed over.
TRY. CALL METHOD lo_read_infotype->read_single EXPORTING tclas = cl_hrpa_tclas=>tclas_employee pernr = iv_pernr infty = '0002' subty = space objps = space sprps = if_hrpa_read_infotype=>unlocked begda = sy-datlo endda = sy-datlo mode = if_hrpa_read_infotype=>last_intersecting_record no_auth_check = abap_true IMPORTING pnnnn = ls_p0002. CATCH cx_hrpa_violated_assertion. CLEAR ls_p0002. ENDTRY. IF ls_p0002-gesch = '2'. "female lo_client->request->set_header_field( name = '~request_uri' value = gv_url_female ). ELSE. "male or unknown lo_client->request->set_header_field( name = '~request_uri' value = gv_url_male ). ENDIF.
Webdynpro ESS applications uses class CL_HRPAD_IL=>GET_PHOTO to get employees picture and this is where URL of default picture is returned if FM HRWPC_RFC_EP_READ_PHOTO_URI failed to get employees picture.
CALL METHOD cl_hrpa_masterdata_factory=>get_read_infotype IMPORTING read_infotype = lr_read_infotype. CALL METHOD lr_read_infotype->read_single EXPORTING tclas = 'A' pernr = iv_pernr infty = '0002' subty = space objps = space sprps = if_hrpa_read_infotype=>unlocked begda = sy-datlo endda = sy-datlo mode = if_hrpa_read_infotype=>last_intersecting_record no_auth_check = abap_true IMPORTING pnnnn = ls_p0002 * PNNNN2 = * PREF = * DATA_EXISTS = ls_data_exists * MISSING_AUTH = . IF ls_p0002 IS NOT INITIAL. IF ls_p0002-gesch = '2'. ev_photo_url = '/SAP/PUBLIC/BUSINESSSUITE/TM/ICONS/female.jpg'. ELSE. " Male OR unkown ev_photo_url = '/SAP/PUBLIC/BUSINESSSUITE/TM/ICONS/male.jpg'. ENDIF. ENDIF.
Below are some more method where this happens but I am not aware where are they used.
READ TABLE lt_person_id INTO ls_person_id WITH KEY cp_id = ls_temp_url-cp_id. IF ls_person_id-sex = '1'. "Female CONCATENATE lv_absolute_url gc_pic_url_female INTO ls_photo_url-pic_url. ELSE. " Male (OR) unknown CONCATENATE lv_absolute_url gc_pic_url_male_or_default INTO ls_photo_url-pic_url. ENDIF.
READ TABLE <lt_p0002> INTO <ls_p0002> INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL. ASSIGN COMPONENT 'GESCH' OF STRUCTURE <ls_p0002> TO <lv_gender>. * get picture IF <lv_gender> = 1."male CONCATENATE c_icon_uri c_male INTO ev_pic_uri. ELSE. CONCATENATE c_icon_uri c_female INTO ev_pic_uri. ENDIF. ENDIF.
CL_HRASR00_PB_SPROFILE_PIC – Short Profile utility class
TRY. CALL FUNCTION 'HR_READ_INFOTYPE' EXPORTING pernr = iv_pernr infty = '0002' begda = sy-datum endda = sy-datum TABLES infty_tab = <lt_p0002> EXCEPTIONS infty_not_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. READ TABLE <lt_p0002> INTO <ls_p0002> INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL. ASSIGN COMPONENT 'GESCH' OF STRUCTURE <ls_p0002> TO <lv_gender>. * get picture IF <lv_gender> = 1."male CONCATENATE c_icon_uri c_male INTO ev_pic_uri. ELSE. CONCATENATE c_icon_uri c_female INTO ev_pic_uri. ENDIF. ENDIF. CATCH cx_sy_dyn_call_illegal_func. RETURN. ENDTRY.
CL_HRPAO_SHORTPRF_UTILITY – Utility class for PAO Short profile
CALL METHOD cl_hrtmc_cp_basic_utilities=>get_picture_url EXPORTING iv_person_id = ls_hrperson-personid iv_pernr = lv_pernr iv_sex_value = lv_gender IMPORTING ev_picture_url = ev_photo_url. " Check if photo is real one or default IF ev_photo_url IS NOT INITIAL. IF ev_photo_url CS 'male.jpg' OR ev_photo_url CS 'female.jpg'. IF ls_p0002-gesch = '2'. "Female ev_photo_url = gc_pic_url_female. ELSE. " Male (OR) unknown ev_photo_url = gc_pic_url_male_or_default. ENDIF. ev_photo_available = abap_false. ELSE. ev_photo_available = abap_true. ENDIF. ELSE. IF ls_p0002-gesch = '2'. "Female ev_photo_url = gc_pic_url_female. ELSE. " Male (OR) unknown ev_photo_url = gc_pic_url_male_or_default. ENDIF. ev_photo_available = abap_false. ENDIF.
CL_HRTMC_CP_BASIC_UTILITIES – Utility Class for Talents
IF lv_sex_value = 1. "XREN1387230 lv_dummy_icon_id = gc_female_mime_pic. ELSE. lv_dummy_icon_id = gc_male_mime_pic. ENDIF.
CL_HR_STREAMWORK_API – Streamwork Integration APIs
CALL METHOD lo_read_infotype->read_single EXPORTING tclas = 'A' pernr = lv_pernr infty = '0002' subty = space objps = space sprps = if_hrpa_read_infotype=>unlocked begda = sy-datum endda = sy-datum mode = if_hrpa_read_infotype=>last_intersecting_record no_auth_check = abap_false IMPORTING pnnnn = ls_p0002. IF ls_p0002 IS NOT INITIAL. IF ls_p0002-gesch = '2'. "Female ev_user_photo_url = gc_pic_url_female. ELSE. " Male (OR) unknown ev_user_photo_url = gc_pic_url_male_or_default. ENDIF. ELSE." Male (OR) unknown ev_user_photo_url = gc_pic_url_male_or_default. ENDIF.